Rang 6 are organising a fundraiser next week in aid of Debra Ireland. They are holding a raffle and a cake sale. They have been working really hard since early January collecting some amazing prizes! Both the raffle and the cake sale will be held on Thursday the 13/2/2020. The cake sale will start at 11:00am and finish at 2:30pm. The raffle will commence at 2:00pm in the halla spórt. Everyone is welcome to join us at any stage of the day.
An envelope with 3 tickets will be sent home with the children on Monday. If you would like to purchase these tickets please return the envelope with the money enclosed. 3 ticket strips are priced at €5, but additional tickets can be bought throughout the week at €2 per strip or 3 strips for €5. A selection of our fantastic raffle prizes are below.
Rang 6 will also be looking for your support for the cake sale on Thursday, it would be fantastic if you could send in any baked goods Thursday morning. There will be a prize for the best Valentine’s Day cupcakes on the day! Please ensure that all baked goods are nut free.
Míle buíochas, Rang 6 & Múinteoir Emer